Friday, March 09, 2007


300 is meant for its audience. I loved Sin City, so I was immediately drawn into a movie based off of graphic novels by Frank Miller again. But as I waited for the midnight showing of the film and witness over 1000 people come to see the movie, I saw who the audience was. People who wanted lots of fighting, blood, gore... basically, people who didn't care much beyond how many decapitations there are.

And on that standard, 300 does please. Let me assure you, there are plenty of violent moments, plenty of battle scenes (95% of the movie?), plenty of all of that lovely stuff. And I state this not saying that it is a bad thing, as it could possibly sound. I'm just stating the facts.

But is there flaw in this? Perhaps. Perhaps there could have been more to the film than that. The story is one that centers around the ego of Spartans. With this, motivations for plot points are based on the fact that "Spartans don't back down!" Therefore, the story aspects aren't so important. But the many, many battle sequences did feel like a bit much at times. There are only so many times that slow motion followed by a sudden burst of fast motion can make certain battle maneuvers look cool.

The look of the movie is really wonderful at times. Spectacular. The vision behind the film is very beautiful. But, then again, it was a graphic novel. All of that came almost directly from the graphic novel.

Maybe there didn't need to be a movie made of this. Perhaps the graphic novel was fine by itself. The movie probably doesn't offer much more than the graphic novel itself did, except for live action and a medium where people can react to the situations at the same time. But then again, sometimes it's good to watch things like this in live actions with other people. It's entertainment. It works as such. So we'll leave it as such.


IMDB information on 300