Monday, February 19, 2007


It's this time of year that many, many, many movies come out that will never be remember. They're not necessarily bad movies, they're just movies that are decent to what we the movie-watchers know as "pretty good," and they come out at a time of the year when people don't care enough about new movies. This is Oscar season. People only care about Oscar nominated movies from the past year.

Breach is one of these films. It's not a bad film, by any means. It's a perfectly adequate piece of film. It's an interesting thriller, a well-told tale. But at the same time, it's missing that extra umph that would give it enough soul to make it a truly great film. The movie just lacks that soul. The soul is the overall "why do I care" factor. It's a good movie, but halfway into it I couldn't help but feel like I didn't really care all that much about where it was going. It's not that it's not interesting, it's just that it doesn't have enough substance. The way the movie opens tells you straight up how things are going to be. The actual duration of the movie is merely the fancy stuff that brings you from point A to point B.

But Chris Cooper does a wonderful job as the veteran FBI mole. In fact this doesn't even need to be stated. Everything that Chris Cooper has done has been wonderful. That man can do no wrong. And this is no exception. His performance really put some life into that character, which is something that could have been done wrong by another actor and would have led to a worse film. Chris Cooper alone gives this movie a little more reason for one to go see it.

But give it 5 years. Let the dust settle. Then you'll see what I mean. That's the sad part. Now go watch the Oscars.


IMDB information on BREACH

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