Sunday, February 11, 2007

Jon's Top 10 of 2006

I've finally made my decision. Now, without further ado, my list is as follows:

1. The Departed
2. Pan's Labyrinth
3. Little Children
4. Children of Men
5. The Prestige
6. Letters From Iwo Jima
7. Little Miss Sunshine
8. United 93
9. Babel
10. The Last King of Scotland


Chris said...

Not a rebuttal, just my list:

1 - Children of Men
2 - The Departed
3 - Pan's Labyrinth
4 - Volver
5 - Little Children
6 - The Prestige
7 - Casino Royale
8 - Dreamgirls
9 - The Fountain
10 - Apocalypto

N0J said...

A good list. But where you wonder of my Babel inclusion, I wonder of your Dreamgirls. I didn't see Casino or Apocalypto, but the others are all great movies. As I already mentioned, Volver would be my 11 were there a position.

Chris said...

Actually I'm going to revise my list - I forgot about Brick

1 - Children of Men
2 - The Departed
3 - Pan's Labyrinth
4 - Volver
5 - Little Children
6 - Brick
7 - The Prestige
8 - Casino Royale
9 - Dreamgirls
10 - The Fountain

N0J said...

I liked Brick a lot, but it wasn't one of the best. Much like Volver and other independent films I liked of the year (like Mutual Appreciation or The Science of Sleep), I liked the film a lot and enjoyed the style, but as a movie it wasn't as good as some of the others of the year. I didn't enjoy it as completely as these others.